Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Rights of Children

Caitlin Gochuico

Children are fragile. They should be taken cared of. They should grow in a nice and peaceful place. They should be in school instead of the streets, they should be eating not starving to death, they should be in their mother's loving arms not abused or molested. They should be loved.

Child abuse is not new to us anymore. It has been there since the end of time. Children being used and sold. Though it is not new anymore, it has worsened today. If you are going to watch the news today, the percentage of it is getting higher and higher by the day. Children are being mistreated, molested, starved to death forced to live in small living place in which they lock. I have read so many articles of children being punched everyday, I've read of children of dying because of beatings. There is a law! Children have rights! it is implemented but they are not followed by everybody. There are parents who treat their children badly because of how they were treated as a child. But isnt that ironic? That after they have experienced it as a child, they make their child feel what they felt when they should show them security and love so that they will never have to experience that pain they felt.

My dad had a very difficult childhood but when he met my mom and accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord and savior, he treats as with love and respect. He always support me and my 2 siblings. My parents give us the best education the best they could give us. My parents would support as in what we want, in our interests. They always listen to us. They give us the time and bonding we need as a family. He gets hurt when people try to hurt us, his children. We have Sunday and Saturday as our family day. Our summer is a summer for family. My parents teach us to love one another, to always trust in God and to put Him in the center of our lives. They thought us how to handle our money properly. They allow us to go out with friends but still we need to tell them where we are. We still have curfews but who cares?

I Love little children. It has been my dream to be a teacher. To be used as a model for them. I want to help parents with their children. When i finish my graduation, i want to make a house and a school for children with no homes and no family. I want them to feel love. I want them feel cherished. I want them to fulfill their dreams. I want them to grow in the loving presence of God. I want them to know Him. This is my way to show this country and the world that children are very precious. I want to set an example to everyone, that they should treat them with respect. Being older than them does not mean that you have the right to abuse them and use them. You have no right to remove their rights from them when you are not stripped off of your rights. Let's give them the respect they deserve and the love that they want.

Sunday School
my wonderful students.
My wonderful students
a student of mine
Grade 5-6 Sunday School with teacher Jhudiel
Grade 5-6

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