Monday, January 31, 2011

The Filipino Taste

Philippines is a tropical country and is usually experiencing hot climate. Due to this fact, Filipino people are open and experimental in exploring new varieties of beverages, which lead them to create their own: flavorful, mouth watering, tasty, locally made drinks. There are many types of drinks here in the Philippines; It can be hot or cold & alcoholic or non-alcoholic. But for now, we will focus on the Top 4 cold drinks, because there are a lot of them to be discussed if we will consider each kind of drinks. So here it is:

First, we go to the all-time favorite "Taho", this one can be both served as hot or chilled.


Taho is a Philippine snack foodsoft or silken tofu, “arnibal “ (brown sugar and vanilla syrup), and pearl sago (similar to pearl tapioca) made of fresh . 

This staple comfort food is a signature sweet and can be found all over the country. Hot Taho is usually served in the morning like coffee or milk, while Chilled Taho serves as a dessert for almost any time of meal.

Second in the list is "Sago at Gulaman"

"Sago" pertains to tapioca and "Gulaman" is a jelly or also known as "gelatine". 

These two are added up with a sweetened beverage, particularly a melted brown sugar mixed with water that forms a Sago at Gulaman drink. This beverage is always served as cold.

When you're craving for a cold drink and you're somehow lost at the moment, just look at your sides. There might be a mouth watering Sago at Gulaman out there; Imagine the dancing sagos, the floating gulamans and the sweet taste, waiting for you.

Third is Buko Juice, the favorite summer drink of all the Filipinos. 



 Buko Juice is the water from the coconut. It is naturally fresh and fat-free. Fresh coconuts for drinking are typically harvested off the tree while they are green. A hole may be bored into the coconut to provide access to the liquid and meat.

Buko juice are served perfectly when it's chilled or even just with an ice. The sweet cold taste will quench your thirst on hot weathered days. It will flow through your throat with a satisfying and refreshing impact yet leave a remarkable crave for another one.

 The last is the "Calamansi Juice", known as the Philippine Lemon. Like the Buko Juice, Calamansi Juice also came from a fruit, the Kalamansi fruit, and the juice is extracted from it. Among the rest, this beverage is the most well-known here in the Philippines.

  Behind its sourly taste and appearance, this citrus fruit is rich in Vitamin C. Its juice is nutritious and traditionally made into a fruit drink that helps prevent respiratory diseases. 

The flavorful combination of sweet and sourly taste gives a refreshing sensation every time you take a sip of it. So be sure to enjoy every drop of Calamansi Juice, as you relax with a fresh new start.


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