Monday, January 31, 2011


     What is expression? According to Merriam-Webster, expression is the quality or fact of being expressive. It is a  facial aspect or vocal intonation as indicative of  feeling. It is also an act or product of pressing out. We Filipinos love to express ourselves in arts, sports, literature, in action or words; be it happy, angry or sad.We express ourselves through parties and events. We also express ourselves in our everyday routines. I know that most filipinos likes to makeup their own expressions. For example, "IMBA". This word is a shortcut for imbalance, but if you would notice the youth nowadays, they use it if they are amazed at something or someone. So if used in a sentence, it would sound this way: "Pre!! ang ganda nung babaeng iyon o! IMBA!". There's also this word i heard during our cheerdance practice when i was still in  4th year highschool; it's the word "RECTO" which is the shortcut for Direktso. See how filipino people are unique and weird? 

     The media also has been a great contributor for what expressions we use. For example, "Bongga". Before anyone used this, you would usually hear it on YES! FM. And now almost everywhere you go people would use "Bongga" to emphasize something. For example, "ay grabe! Bonggang bongga itong party ah!". The media not only thought filipino this word but also bad words. Most Filipino people usually use the words, "T*** I*A MO!", "G*GO", and "T*NG*". If you grew up in a family that speaks English, and watch too much movies, this is what you'll hear, "F*CK!", "SH*T", and "B*TCH". But let's not go over board there. Not everyone use these kind of expressions. 

   We also the influences of the gays. This is what we call Gay-Lingua. For example, "Churva". No on even knows what this mean, and this came from a mere gay but everyone's using it whether you are a boy or a girl. I'd say, filipino people are really crazy and creative people.

   Though not everyone use these kind of expressions, you'll hear some of these words from majority of the youth today. Look enough closely, and you'll see that the environment we're in can affect what we think, do and say.

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